Thursday, August 12, 2010

Swiss Cream Tart from Nadine v. W.

This is a very old recipe from the Murten-Region (near the Swiss capital Berne) in Switzerland. My grandparents had a house there and every time we visited them, my mother bought this tart in a little local bakery there and we just loved it. Now I have done some research and there exist a lot of recipes and each is a bit different. I tried to find the one that matched my memories and have now created this one and the result is great! Just have a go! ;-)

For the dough:

250g flour

1/2 teaspoon of salt

1 teaspoon of dried yeast (here: levadura de panaderia; Carrefour)

30g butter

1,5 dl of milk

For the filling:

20g Butter (cold)

1,5 dl Cream (35% fat)

6 Tablespoons of rough sugar

Mix the flour, salt, yeast in a big bowl and make a well in the center. Melt the butter in the warm milk (on the stove or in the microwave, just see to it that the milk does not get too hot, you should still be able to touch it.) Pour the milk with the butter into the well and mix it well from the center on. Take the dough into your hands and knead it for about 5 minutes really well with your hands until you get a really soft and smooth dough. Put the dough back into the bowl and cover it with a plate. Let it rest in a warm place for about an hour (at least 1/2 hour).

Preheat the oven with 250°C. Roll the dough out into a circle as big as your cake tin (30cm/ 12 inch) and press it into it. Make sure that you put up the dough high enough on the edges, so that the filling will not overflow.

Push with your fingers about 20 wells. Fill each with a bit of sugar (2 Tablespoons) and little pieces of the cold butter. Mix the 4 tablespoons of sugar with the cream and pour over the dough.

Put a bit of tinfoil on the oven rack in case it will bubble over, so you will not have to clean the whole oven afterwards. Bake for 20 minutes until the tart is slightly golden on top. Let it cool and put it into the fridge for at least 2 hours or serve still warm.
